• Worldscapes Convention

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    Worldscapes Convention

    The Worldscapes Convention, the premiere gaming, science fiction, and fantasy event of the year, takes place this month! By land, sea, and air, people flock to Indianapolis at this time each year to experience four packed solid days of gaming, scienc

  • Lottery Winners

    The MegaMillions Lottery was a sponsored lottery in which 13 different states participated and a winning ticket hadn’t been drawn in several months. Finally on Wednesday night, the MegaMillions jackpot was won – by five people in different states. Si

    # of groups 4

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    Lottery Winners
  • A Day at the Zoo

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    NEWJul 30

    A Day at the Zoo

    One day early this month, five mothers each brought their only child for a day at the zoo. The children had a glorious time together watching the different animals, and some were even brave enough to try petting and feeding the animals in the petting

  • Holiday Party

    Last Friday night, four couples met at a friend's home for an evening of companionship and entertainment to celebrate the coming holidays. The meal was pot luck style, so each couple contributed a dish of food. As it happened, each couple arrive

    # of groups 5

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    Holiday Party